James Downs, Founding Teacher
James is an experienced teacher of yoga, barre and mindfulness practices.
His training has included a 200hr Course with CAMYOGA (Yoga Alliance E-RYT200), an additional certification in teaching hot yoga and training with BarreConcept. He continues to enrich his personal practice and teaching style through attending workshops, private study and contact with inspirational teachers.
In addition to being an Experienced Yoga Teacher (with over 1000hrs of teaching experience), James also trains teachers undertaking their 200hr certification, and offers continuing professional development as a registered Continuing Education Provider with Yoga Alliance International.
Aside from yoga, James is a mental health campaigner, researcher and expert by experience in mental health and eating disorders. He holds various roles at the Royal College of Psychiatrists and NHS England aimed at improving support for those experiencing mental health problems and eating disorders and their carers.
James also represents various UK mental health charities such as MQ Mental Health, Beat and Mind. He has written extensively about his own experiences with the hope that those who read his work find comfort, affirmation and hope.